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Escaped Goats!

     Hello! I do not have a lot to update on the work side of the internship right now, but I was able to finish my proposal and turn it in to the program director and now I am working on a new set of data analysis that focuses on the sex and maturity of blue crabs in the Maryland Coastal Bays. This work is tedious and time consuming and not super exciting but by the end of the summer I will have a completed project that will hopefully show some cool new findings!
     On the play side of things, we have had some adventures this week! There have not been many people on campus since we arrived, but this week that changed. There is a basketball camp that is going on so the UMES men's basketball team is here and there have been orientations all week that have brought a bunch of people to campus. It has been kind of fun to see new faces around and those basketball players are nice eye-candy ;) (one of them is 6'9 and I only come up to his waist! He is huge!).
     One of the things that we like to do in the evenings is go for walks as a group. There is a farm on campus and we go and see the goats that they raise. (One of the other interns is a goat whisperer and it is so funny to see all of the goats run to him when ever they see him!) We have done this quite often and we have never had a problem with the goats, but Wednesday night as we were just walking around one of them got loose! We called the campus police and they ended up taking care of it but there were several attempts by the interns to corral the poor goat, all of which failed! As far as we know, everything turned out all right and the goat is safely back in its pen.
     I am still really enjoying my time here in Maryland and can't wait to see what other adventures we have!

Some of the goats.

Friends with goats.

Friends with goats continued.

If you look closely at the back of this picture you can see the white goat that escaped!



  1. Hmmm, I have a nephew on Tim's side that is 6'9. He comes home from his mission in December..... He is a basketball player...


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