When I decided to go to ECU I was told that going to East Central University was going to just be an extension of Ada High School since they are in the same town...whoever said that was incredibly wrong. I started my second year at ECU this week and was reminded how awesome my University is! 1.) Small campus with a big community! I love that I can see people I know every time I leave my dorm room! I know professors, football players, band members, sorority girls and everyone in between. I am so glad that I can be friends with so many different people because I go to a small school. It makes life so much more interesting to have a lot of different kinds of people in your friend group! 2.) Parking You always hear horror stories about parking at college but at ECU the parking is not a problem and is pretty cheap! 3.) Athletic Teams I LOVE that I am able to know the college athletes and then get to support them at their games! School spi...